Monday, June 1, 2020

Model of education system after COVID19 crisis

All schools in Nepal are closed, after government imposed lockdown, because of the Covid19 crisis. Many schools have already started online teaching, but hardly fifty percent students are being able to join online classes, because of many technical issues.  Even, those are taking part actively in online class are not satisfied, with the online course. In other hand, there is less certainty about resumption of the school, as schools are the most vulnerable place for such pandemic. So, there is high risk of losing an entire academic year, if the problem persists for long time.
 If we had implemented all the plan and policies made by government, impact of such situation could have been minimized but we missed it very badly. But,we have to learn and prepare  for another worst case scenario. I have presented few ideas, about how we can remodel out entire education system, so that teaching learning activities run smoothly even in such pandemic.
Remodel the curriculum
Our curriculum is either outdated or too vague. In the era of modern technologies, language teacher are still teaching how too write letter to their father.Students of class eight are given task of writing analytical answer of some given topic, which is generally considered beyond their capabilities. In other hand, course is made too vague and impractical. Curriculum is never designed on the basis of the learning capabilities of students, rather it is being designed by the whim of some so called experts who are always ready to add everything they love  in school curriculum. Because of all these, school curriculum looks like a encyclopedia. And it is very difficult to teach encyclopedia, even during normal school hours,than how it will be possible to teach using virtual classrooms.
It is the right time to remodel curriculum, which should include only most necessary topics, with practical approach, so that it would be easier to run classes using virtual means also.
Practical should be more practical
Almost all subjects in school include some practical marks, but all students get full marks on  practical even if the theory marks is zero. No one bothers to  take practical exams, and even if there is practical exam, it is only for formality. If such practical learning was implemented effectively,  practical classes could have launched easily by using virtual methods also. As practical contains 25 percent of total curriculum, three month lock down could have been compensated by practical activities only. So, there could have been no hamper in teaching learning activities. So, concerned persons should think about conduction practical classes in real.
Teaching requires a well qualified as well as technologically adapted personals,  who are always ready to learn, but in Nepal, it is just opposite. Teacher who are teaching in government schools, are assured of their job despite of poor results, so they never want to get updated. Teacher of private schools, spend most of their time fighting with administrations, and never get time for creating innovative ideas. But, in upcoming days, teachers who can easily adapt to modern technologies and teaching methods will be required to face such crisis.
Even if we have everything, despite of technology, it is almost impossible to face such pandemic without proper utilization of technology. So government and concerned authorities must think about developing technologies, for the inside and outside of classroom.

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