Thursday, January 13, 2011

Know delicious food from Lumbini zone Nepal "Chukauni"

Chukauni is a typical Nepali pickle generally prepared in the western region mainly in Palpa, Gulmi and Arghakhanchi district. 

Material needed
• 100 grams of curd ( flavors good if little bit sour)
• Onion 1 pc, cut it well in to small pieces.
• Potato 2 pieces.
• Green chili 2 pieces (cut each into two pieces)
• Methi (Fenugreek Seeds)
• Turmeric
• Four teaspoonfuls mustard oil
• One teaspoon garlic paste
First of all boil potatoes and then cut each of them into four pieces. Now, Mix them up well in a bowl with curd, onion and the garlic paste.
Then, put the oil in the pan, applying very mild flame, heat it for a moment then put few methi and let it be there until it gets turned into black color. Now you can add chili onto it and then turmeric. Make sure turmeric does not turn in to black, and cease fire.
Finally, put the pan’s stuff into the bowl then blend it well with a spoon so that it gets mixed up evenly. Now your lip-smacking typical Nepali pickle is ready to serve.

Let's make it success

Nepal Tourism Year is connected to our pride. This is the opportunity to prove ourselves as the best people from best place in the world. So let's forget our problems and selfishness and make it success.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Is communism inevitable? Answer based on physics

Karl Marx was great philosopher. Not only he studied all existing contemporary development of science, economics and sociology, but also he formulated new theory of dialectical materialism( which is also known as Marxism). Many communist believe that Marxism is the true analysis of society and communism is inevitable. But is it true? I'll try to discuss some conflicts about science and Marxism which will describe Marxism from new way.
At first Marxism is based on classical mechanics before relativity. It means Marxism never sees relation between energy and matter (Marx invested more time to derive conflict between these two ) . Again Marxism is never near to quantum mechanics. According to quantum theory any body may have many history and future because quantum mechanics is also based in probability.

Again Marxism explains that communism is the most stable state and like particle in physics tends to stay in most stable state. This may be true. But what is the necessity of revolution if society is flowing towards communism? If  communism is the path of society then use of  force is unnecessary. So there is no need of revolution. Some may reach there by using force but that state will be unstable because of external condition. You can heat water to 100 degree but if you leave it then it will automatically cool down to external temperature (in outside atmosphere). To maintain that temperature you have  to supply  continuous heat. similar case applies to stretching wire. So if condition is not ready then if you reach communism then you should move backward.This implies  you have to imply continuous revolution that is not practical.
Same thing apply  if communism is not possible. Then how much time you reach communism similar time you have to return backward?
Then what is the need of revolution?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

What is this? Can anybody identify?

This is a historical equipment used in Nepal. What is this? Can you identify? Answer in comment box.