Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Save your all facebook documents

What will happen if Facebook suddenly ban your account? Or you permanently deactivate your Facebook account? You will lost all your saved documents in Facebook including messages, photos, status. Facebook is itself an online diary where you can feel your past by reading status from that day. So what will you do when your Facebook account will be no more existing.
There is an easy option provided by Facebook. You can download all your information shared on Facebook To download your facebook archieve follow this steps.
  1. Click the account menu at the top right of any Facebook page
  2. Choose Account Settings
  3. Click on "Download a copy of your Facebook data"
  4. Click Start My Archive
.  There are two kind of archive.  You can select which one you prefer. To know what is included in "downloaded info" and in "expanded archieve" go to this link,
By doing this you can download all your Facebook activity and you will see all your activity even when you have no access to your Facebook account.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Was Jesus a Buddist monk?

Christianity is the largest religion in the religion in the basis of the number of followers. Almost 33 percent of the world follow Christianity. And the founder of this religion was Jesus Christ. It is believed that he was crucified. Also it is believed that God raised him  from the dead. But if we study Bible minutely we can find many events are missing. We can not know that what was Jesus doing in his teenage life. Some claims he was practicing meditation. And some claims that he arrived India because India was the center of education at that time.  And some books claims that he was not dead from crucified but he ran away from there and lived his life as a Buddhist monk. I found one documentary from BBC about this topic. I think this video will be useful to understand this topic more clearly so I'm sharing this video in this post. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Know the data of your keyboard usage

Do you know how many times you press the key in keyboard of your computer? And do you have any idea about your mouse usage? You may have never thought about this things. But this is possible. Some software can track your usage of keyboard and mouse and give you the exact result. One of the easy tool for this is Whatpulse. This is an application that works online and track your data of keyboard usage. To use this you need to install this application in your computer. To download this application Click Here.
After successfully installing it in your computer you have to create an account and this can be done for free. Then the application will run in the background. To know the data of your keyboard usage visit the site and click on computers tab. There you can see your data of keyboard usage.
For some interesting fact about keyboard usage view this video

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Scilab: Better application for Numerical computing

There are too many softwares which are useful for numerical calculation but most of them are not free. They have high price and most of the student from developing country can not afford them. But don't worry. There are some useful tools which will provide you a better platform to learn numerical computing. Here I'm talking about a Scilab. Scilab is open source software so you can use it freely. 
There is an article about Scilab in Wikipedia.  In this article Scilab is introduced as 
Scilab is an open source, cross-platform numerical computational package and a high-level, numerically oriented programming language. It can be used for signal processing, statistical analysis, image enhancement, fluid dynamics simulations, numerical optimization, and modeling and simulation of explicit and implicit dynamical systems. MATLAB code, which is similar in syntax, can be converted to Scilab. Scilab is one of several open source alternatives to MATLAB.
I have tried Scilab. It is different from Matlab which is another software for scientific computing. Main benefit of 
Scilab is it is free software.Once you learn Scilab there will be not difficult to learn Matlab because both are numerically oriented programming language. There are some basic difference between Matlab and Scilab. You can read here about the differience.
You must be interested about using Scilab right now. You can download it freely from here.
In beginning there will be difficult to use Scilab. You may need help about it.
You can search  for manual and tutorial. Scilab itself provide a manual. You can download it from here. 
I hope this article will help you to understand about Scilab and you will enjoy numerical computing software. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

MATLAB tutorial for beginners

Most of the students find hard to learn MATLAB. This is because to use MATLAB we must habe basic programming knowledge. But many students do not show interest on programming before they have to use for further research project. When they show interest on it there may not be a teacher who can guide them to use MATLAB. There are plenty of books and material provided in online and you must have it in your computer too. But that material may not be sufficient to start using MATLAB because without demo some tools seems confusing.  Here is a video which will help you to understand the tools used in MATLAB. After understanding all these tips you can use your book or tutorial easily and be expert in MATLAB. 

I hope you will enjoy this Video and enjoy MATLAB. If you need books related with MATLAB you can contact me. I will send you in your mail. ENJOY MATLAB AND SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Some applications that helps to understand basic astronomy

In developing country like in Nepal there is very few opportunity to perform the scientific experiments. Students mostly depend on theoretical knowledge. But there are some online applications that will help students to understand the deep meaning of physics easily. In this post I am going to provide some online application and one useful software that will help to understand basic astronomy easily. 
To understand the basic concept of astronomy The Nebraska Astronomy Applet Project have launched an online applet. Where we can see the rotation of earth and moon around the sun but it from the reference from the earth. Another tool is to study seasons. We can easily see how the revolution of earth around sun cause change in season. Similarly there are others applications also. Where you can observe many astronomical events easily. 
To use these tools just go to this link

In the right sidebar you will see some contents. Choose one which you want to see and click on that. Than new will be opened. On that window click on the image than the application will be started. On that application find the "start animation" tab and click on it. Now you can enjoy the online animated view of your desired field of astronomy.
And if you are too much interested about planets and stars but can't identify them then there is a software that may help you. This software's name is Stellarium and you can use it in Windows and in Linux too. But in Linux you have to download it from the software list but in windows you have to download it. So here is the link for download Stellarium
Download and install it. You can choose own place from the setting and enjoy the view. If you get some trouble in using it you can leave comment or directly contact me.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Useful tool for physics students

If you are physics student and you have very less time to do experiment in lab or. your lab doesn't provide a lot of instrument than don't worry. there are some application which help to understand the concept of physics easily. While doing preparation for my practical examination I had searched about it in internet, because we spent very little time on lab and have very poor knowledge about all practical application. But one website really helped me to learn about electronics instrument. The major feature of this application is you can view already given circuit or make your own circuit. and you can change all parameters also. To use this application you must have Java installed in your computer.  If you have proper internet connection and can surf net anytime than here is the link for this site.
but if you have not proper net connection than you can download the java application and can use it offline too. To download this application click below.
If you visit the homepage of this site you can find enormous application which may be useful to you.
So enjoy this applications and make yourself clear about electronics instrument.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Want to know reason to live? Read this book.

Once I was attaining a talk program by Dr. Yogi Vikashananda. In that progeam he repeatedly suggested one book. The name of book was "Man's search for meaning" by Viktor Frankel. The title was so interesting so I searched that book in various book shops in Kathmandu and after almost 1 year I saw that book in a book house located in Patan. I immediately bought that book and read. And I found that the book was more interesting than it's title.  This book is explaining the experience of the writer inside concentration camp of Hitlar where there was little hope to survive. 
You can purchase this book to read but if you want to download a free copy than Here is the link to free download. 
Enjoy this book and share your feeling about this book in comment.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

This is a drawing by 9 year old girl Bipana Khanal.
 I hope she will manage to use her potential with colors and be a great painter in future.
miss bipana khanal who have created this drawing.

Friday, May 25, 2012

some interesting quote of OSHO about politics

*Mind is politics, because mind is ambitious and ambition is the root of politics. If you are ambitious you are political. Your ambition may take the form of religion, but the politics is there. Then you are competing with other saints.
*Man cannot live without politics, because of the mind. You are brought up, you are trained to be political. Every child is poisoned from the very beginning, poisoned by ambition. We teach children to be ambitious: be somebody in the world, be somebody special, somebody superior, defeat others! We give the idea to every child that life is a struggle and only the fittest survive. Whether you survive by right or wrong means, that is not important.
*What is the point of becoming ambitious? Ambition means I have to be superior, I have to prove that I am superior to others. Now for this you have to lose your intelligence, you have to become stupid. That’s why politicians are utterly stupid people, they can’t be otherwise. They are all bananas, and rotten bananas at that!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Albert Einstein's Words on Spirituality and Religion. . .

few quotes of Einstein that represents his feeling about spirituality and religion

 " My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God."

 "I'm not an atheist, and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God. We see the universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws but only dimly understand these laws. Our limited minds grasp the mysterious force that moves the constellations."

 "Thus I came...to a deep religiosity, which, however, reached an abrupt end at the age of 12. Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached a conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true....Suspicion against every kind of authority grew out of this experience...an attitude which has never left me."

 "I don't try to imagine a God; it suffices to stand in awe of the structure of the world, insofar as it allows our inadequate senses to appreciate it."

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

 "I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own - a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we can dimly perceive and to try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in Nature."

 "The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation. His religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that , compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection."

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Groups, Discussion forums and blogs related to physics in nepal and nepali scientists

Nepal Physical Society (NPS)is the biggest organization of Nepali physicists. Most of the professors, teachers and students are associated with it. NPS has it's own website and various discussion forum which are as follows.
Homepage of NPS: http://nps.org.np/
Google Group : https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/nps_nepal
Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nepal-Physical-Society/117652149873

Patan Multiple campus MSC physics: Patan college is the largest college on the basis that largest number of students enroll this college in Nepal and students of this college are conducting a group which link is  https://www.facebook.com/groups/Pmcmsc/

Amrit College is another science in Nepal and I found two facebook group from that college divided as their acedemic year .

There is a group from GoldenGate college also. you can meet them here

Central Department of Physics is the headquarter of physics of Tribhubhan University. The students of that college are also conducting a group of facebook.

There are also some other group which are not associated with college and created by physics lovers like
Physics group 
Physics Discussion 
National Academy of Physics

There are other website to help student of physics.
Dr Binil Aryal in conducting a blog of astrophysics. You can visit that blog here
There is another useful blog by Nabin Malakar. His blog contains important news updates, information  and  tips and tricks related with physics. His blog URL is http://www.nabinkm.com
. for Nepali Chemists there is useful  blog. you can visit it here.  www.nepachem.blogspot.com.

I  am afraid that i could not collect all the blogs and groups. If you are not listed here please leave comment. I will publish as soon as possible.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

STRESS? you can manage yourself

Stress is one of the most common problem in youth nowadays. The world is being too much competitive so we can not be sure that everyone can get success in their life. Those who can not succeed in their competition may be suffer from stress. In Nepal the problem of stress and other mental problem is not so huge but if we take a glimpse of western world we realize that the problem of stress is enormous there.
In this article I am trying to give some tips to reduce stress. These are not my idea. I have collected these tips from various books I studied earlier and make some notes. I have compiled them here.

so here are the some tips.

Deep Breathing
The key to deep breathing exercises is to use the stomach, not mainly your chest. Inhale a deep breath through your nose (to the count to 4) and then force the stomach out. Doing that in effect pulls the diaphragm down. Your diaphragm is a strong body muscle, which has the effect of pulling down the lungs, which permits air to travel deep down into the lungs. When you exhale out through your mouth (to the count of 4 again), you need to do the reverse by sucking in your stomach, using your stomach muscles. The effect of puling your stomach in forces your diaphragm to move up and effectively pushes the strongly breath out the lungs.

Visualization Exercises to Calm Your Nerves
We use visualization every day.  You may daydream about a beautiful place you want to go for vacation. And you may have dream of your partner also and have created some future plans. These images usually put us in a positive mood and create feelings of relaxation. Visualization exercises can have the same effect. . Use it to reduce anxiety or whenever you are in a stressful situation.
For these exercises, feel free to be as imaginative as you want in creating the scenery in your mind. It’s normal that your mind will wander. Just allow yourself to passively come back to your imagery.
Exercise 1
Familiarize yourself with these steps. When you’re ready, spend the next 10 to 15 minutes to create the scenery of your choice in your mind.
1.  Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes.
2.  Create an image in your mind of some place where you felt truly relaxed, calm, and happy.
3.  In this picture, observe what is happening there. Notice the colors of the scenery. Notice the quiet atmosphere, or freshness of the air. Notice the shapes of familiar objects, and be aware of any movement that occurred.
4.  Just let yourself recall the positive feelings in that scene. Enjoy what you remember and what you see in your mind's eye. Breathe deeply and relax.
Exercise 2 
The exercise may take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Sit or lie down in a quiet place and try to construct a scene in your mind.
Prepare to relax by breathing deeply and evenly. Breathe in slowly to a count of four. Hold your breath to a count of two. And exhale slowly. As you continue to breathe deeply and evenly, in your mind's eye create a picture of a pleasant scene. Imagine yourself doing something relaxing—walking on the beach while listening to the sound of the waves with the cool fresh breeze blowing across your face and through your hair, or maybe walking in the woods with the warm sun shining on you and the birds singing in the trees. Imagine some experience that you personally found relaxing.
Pause 15 seconds, then continue:
Go on imagining this scene. Continue to breathe deeply and evenly. Allow yourself to recall the details of the experience—remembering the sights, the sounds, the smells, the feelings, and the mood. Just let yourself re-experience the moments. Breathe deeply and evenly. Just relax and enjoy the memory.
Pause 30 seconds, then continue:
You may now return to your waking state and remain calm now that your body has re-experienced the pleasant feelings that you had. Open your eyes, feeling refreshed and calm.

20-Minute Muscle Relaxation Exercise
We’re going to review ways to relax different muscles groups to achieve relaxation throughout your body. You may experience muscle tension and pain from sitting or standing in one position too long, doing heavy lifting, or walking a lot. Staying in one position without taking breaks can cause poor blood circulation and muscle tension. This relaxation exercise is great for relieving such aches and pains. This exercise works because it applies this principle of muscle behavior:  when you contract and release your muscles, they smooth out and relax.
Spend 20 to 30 minutes to practice at least once a day. As you become more experienced, you’ll get significant relaxation benefits in 10 to 15 minutes. Your goal is to develop the ability to relax one muscle group at anytime. For example, if you were sitting at your desk for an extended period, and you noticed your neck muscles getting tense, you would mentally isolate those muscles and relax them.
PLEASE NOTE: Check with your physician or health care provider to see if there are any reasons for you to take specific precautions or to avoid doing contraction exercises with your muscles. This exercise may not be appropriate if you’re experiencing a lot of pain, particularly in your joints. If this is the case, try a different relaxation technique recommended by an expert for your special needs.
Lie down or sit in a chair that comfortably supports your arms and head. For each muscle group, go through these steps:
1. Tense your muscles and hold (tightly, but not so much that it hurts) for 5 to 10 seconds. Notice the tension as you hold. Remember that feeling of tension.
2. Release your muscles, and relax. Notice how your muscles feel as you let go. You may feel sensations of warmth, heaviness, lightness, or tingling. These are sensations of relaxation.
3. Give yourself 10 to 20 seconds to relax and feel the sensations of your muscles relaxing. Enjoy the sensations. Remember them.  Repeat twice, then go on to next muscle group.
Hands and Lower Arms - Tense bymaking a fist with your hand. Repeat twice on each side.
Biceps (front of upper arm) - Tense by bending arm at the elbow, but keeping wrist and hand as loose as possible. Repeat twice on each side.
Triceps (front of upper arm) - Tense by straightening arm, but keeping hand loose. Repeat twice on each side.
Forehead - Tense by wrinkling it as you would if you  were worried or angry. Repeat.
Eyebrows  - Tense by frowning and creasing eyebrows. Repeat.
Eyelids - Tense by squeezing them tightly together (remove contact lenses before beginning exercise).Repeat.
*Roll eyes up (hold and release).
*Roll them down (hold and release).
*Shift them to right (hold and release).
*Shift them to left (hold and release).
*Roll your eyes clockwise slowly as if you were looking at each of the numbers on a huge clock.
*Roll your eyes counterclockwise slowly as if you were looking at each of the numbers on a huge clock.
Nose - Tense by wrinkling nose like a rabbit. Repeat.
Lips - Tense by tightly pressing them together or purse them as though sucking on a lemon. Repeat.
Jaws - Tighten the jaw muscles as if you were going to clench your teeth, but don’t actually allow your teeth to touch. Hold this position for several seconds (no more than five seconds) and then release, closing your lips without touching your teeth. If you experience any pain, stop immediately and consult your dentist about whether or not this is safe for you.  Repeat once or twice. You can still relax this area even if you have to skip this particular exercise by letting your jaw hang loosely while relaxing other areas.
Chin - Tense by tucking chin down into chest. Then tighten all your muscles under the chin and in the front of your neck. Repeat.
Tongue - Tense your tongue by pushing up against the back of your upper front teeth. Repeat. Let your tongue just float in your mouth. Enjoy the sensations there. Repeat.
Throat  - Tense by beginning to swallow.  Don’t complete the swallow.  Just hold after you begin. Repeat.
Voice box - Tense by humming a high-pitched note without making any sounds. *Begin humming silently down the scale. *Notice the change in tension levels as you sing down the scale. *Continue until you get to the low note. Repeat.
Neck - Tense by tilting head back and tightening muscles in the back of the neck. *Tilt head to right as though touching right shoulder. Repeat on your left side.
Shoulders - Tense by shrugging them upward as though touching your ears. Repeat.
Upper back - Tense by pulling shoulder blades back. *Then tighten upper back muscles as though as shoulder blades were going to touch. Repeat.
Lower back - Tense by arching back. Repeat.
Chest - Tense by pulling shoulders together in front. Repeat.
Stomach - Tense by pulling in your stomach muscles. Repeat.
Groin - Tense by pulling groin muscles up into the cavity of your body (same action as when you stop urinating in the middle of a urination). Repeat.
Buttocks - Tense by pulling them tightly together. Repeat.
Upper legs - Tense by straightening legs and locking knees. *Or to tense both legs at the same time, pull upper legs together by touching knees tightly together as though to hold a coin between your knees. Repeat.
Lower legs - Tense both legs by pulling toes back and up as though touching your shins. Repeat.
Feet - Tense by curling toes and arching feet downward (stop if they begin to cramp). Repeat.
Continue to breathe evenly and deeply. With your mind scan all your muscle groups again. Each time you exhale, notice how the muscle group you’re focusing on, grows warmer, and is more relaxed.
Take a deep breath in through nose. Hold it to a count of four. Exhale slowly to a count of four. Do this several times. Breathe deeply and evenly, and enjoy the sensations of warm, full relaxation.
To end this exercise, move your hands and arms about. Move your feet and legs about. Turn your head from side to side. Open your eyes, sit up, and let yourself feel awake and calm.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Read a best book from krishnamurti

J Krishnamurti is an Indian philosopher and spiritual leader. . His subject matter included: psychological revolution, the nature of the mind, meditation, human relationships, and bringing about positive change in society. There are too many books on the basis of his teaching but "freedom from the known' is one of the best book from him. If you want to read that book you can download it from the following link.

Monday, April 2, 2012

what wikimapia speaks about Lumbini

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Best of luck Nepal

 We can expect Nepali Team winning AFC challenge cup but we can hope for best game in this tournament. Guys do your best. whatever the result will be that will be the best.
best of luck Nepal

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Why I am out of politics now?

Most of my friends ask me what is going in Nepal? What is the current circumstances? I reply to them that friends I am not involved in politics anymore. They can not believe this. It is due to my past political activity. And some friends also try to convince me about politics. But I am totally out from politics now. Why? I have given some answers that I feel but it is not necessary to be true.
Sometimes ago I believed that politics is the only way to end suffering of people. We must go through revolution and we can change the people of life forever. That I thought at that time. But what is the benefit? How much time it will take to reach that goal? Will there will be a state of no suffering? No that is not true. The real suffering arises from the internal ego. And it will exist in capitalism, communism and in all form of social and political system. so there is no way to remedy this suffering through political movement. So to become happy and have no suffering we must change our self from internally. That will be the real happy life. So i choose this way for my life. So I am not in politics ant that's all............

Friday, February 17, 2012

play game in youtube

too bored about youtube buffering,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
here is a solution
you can play game on buffering time
just you need is to select the screen and press nevigation key
the screen appears as
now just play the game

Friday, February 3, 2012

texts on my birthday

Life is really amazing thing. How it starts, how it flows and how it ends it is really uncertain and that is the most important aspect of life. If someone tries to flow with the will of life he will certainly reach the ocean of life but if someone tries to deny it then he will never reach anywhere rather than get polluted. This is the most interesting nature of life I have ever found. But it took my several years to realize it. I’m happy where I am today. I have no any complain with my life and anyone who are connected with me. I am thankful to my parents who introduced me to this beautiful world.  Can only thank can pay tribute to them? Never. But life has too many such aspects that cannot be expressed in the words. But without words also I feel these texts incomplete. Love you so much. Sastanga dandawat to you pita and mata………..
Again thanks to the almighty that is helping me throughout this journey. I know I’m only a medium and he is conducting me towards a goal that is a great union between zero and infinity. I will try to go through that way that he is showing me and hoping that I would follow it.
And to dear, since the person I’m indicating here is only dear to me and I do not prefer to indicate name the person is only dear to me. So dear, you are also the most important part of my life. I never expect anything from you. I just hope that you will be with me as you are right now. I just want to see you that you realize what you are for me. If you realize that will be the most attractive gift for me from you. Love you so much dear.
Dear friends you know who I am.  And I want to see all of you with similar company. I have my certain ideology that many of my do not like. But I only concerned about intersection not union.
I have certain ideology in my life. I know this is a great opportunity and I do not want to waste it. That’s why I feel something different which is not widely accepted in this society. if someone have any problem with my ideology. I just want to say forget it. We have different ways and if we walk together we can never reach goal together. We must be separate.

That’s all for this day.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Stress Management

Deep Breathing
The key to deep breathing exercises is to use the stomach, not mainly your chest. Inhale a deep breath through your nose (to the count to 4) and then force the stomach out. Doing that in effect pulls the diaphragm down. Your diaphragm is a strong body muscle, which has the effect of pulling down the lungs, which permits air to travel deep down into the lungs. When you exhale out through your mouth (to the count of 4 again), you need to do the reverse by sucking in your stomach, using your stomach muscles. The effect of puling your stomach in forces your diaphragm to move up and effectively pushes the strongly breath out the lungs.

Visualization Exercises to Calm Your Nerves
We use visualization every day. Before you head off to the park or beach, you may have an image in your mind of the place. You may daydream about a beautiful place you want to go for vacation. These images usually put us in a positive mood and create feelings of relaxation. Visualization exercises can have the same effect. The technique is simple to learn and works quickly. Use it to reduce anxiety or whenever you are in a stressful situation.
For these exercises, feel free to be as imaginative as you want in creating the scenery in your mind. It’s normal that your mind will wander. Just allow yourself to passively come back to your imagery.
Exercise 1
Familiarize yourself with these steps. When you’re ready, spend the next 10 to 15 minutes to create the scenery of your choice in your mind.
1.  Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes.
2.  Create an image in your mind of some place where you felt truly relaxed, calm, and happy.
3.  In this picture, observe what is happening there. Notice the colors of the scenery. Notice the quiet atmosphere, or freshness of the air. Notice the shapes of familiar objects, and be aware of any movement that occurred.
4.  Just let yourself recall the positive feelings in that scene. Enjoy what you remember and what you see in your mind's eye. Breathe deeply and relax.
Exercise 2 
The exercise may take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Sit or lie down in a quiet place and try to construct a scene in your mind.
Prepare to relax by breathing deeply and evenly. Breathe in slowly to a count of four. Hold your breath to a count of two. And exhale slowly. As you continue to breathe deeply and evenly, in your mind's eye create a picture of a pleasant scene. Imagine yourself doing something relaxing—walking on the beach while listening to the sound of the waves with the cool fresh breeze blowing across your face and through your hair, or maybe walking in the woods with the warm sun shining on you and the birds singing in the trees. Imagine some experience that you personally found relaxing.
Pause 15 seconds, then continue:
Go on imagining this scene. Continue to breathe deeply and evenly. Allow yourself to recall the details of the experience—remembering the sights, the sounds, the smells, the feelings, and the mood. Just let yourself re-experience the moments. Breathe deeply and evenly. Just relax and enjoy the memory.
Pause 30 seconds, then continue:
You may now return to your waking state and remain calm now that your body has re-experienced the pleasant feelings that you had. Open your eyes, feeling refreshed and calm.

20-Minute Muscle Relaxation Exercise
We’re going to review ways to relax different muscles groups to achieve relaxation throughout your body. You may experience muscle tension and pain from sitting or standing in one position too long, doing heavy lifting, or walking a lot. Staying in one position without taking breaks can cause poor blood circulation and muscle tension. This relaxation exercise is great for relieving such aches and pains. This exercise works because it applies this principle of muscle behavior:  when you contract and release your muscles, they smooth out and relax.
Spend 20 to 30 minutes to practice at least once a day. As you become more experienced, you’ll get significant relaxation benefits in 10 to 15 minutes. Your goal is to develop the ability to relax one muscle group at anytime. For example, if you were sitting at your desk for an extended period, and you noticed your neck muscles getting tense, you would mentally isolate those muscles and relax them.
PLEASE NOTE: Check with your physician or health care provider to see if there are any reasons for you to take specific precautions or to avoid doing contraction exercises with your muscles. This exercise may not be appropriate if you’re experiencing a lot of pain, particularly in your joints. If this is the case, try a different relaxation technique recommended by an expert for your special needs.
Lie down or sit in a chair that comfortably supports your arms and head. For each muscle group, go through these steps:
1. Tense your muscles and hold (tightly, but not so much that it hurts) for 5 to 10 seconds. Notice the tension as you hold. Remember that feeling of tension.
2. Release your muscles, and relax. Notice how your muscles feel as you let go. You may feel sensations of warmth, heaviness, lightness, or tingling. These are sensations of relaxation.
3. Give yourself 10 to 20 seconds to relax and feel the sensations of your muscles relaxing. Enjoy the sensations. Remember them.  Repeat twice, then go on to next muscle group.
Hands and Lower Arms - Tense by making a fist with your hand. Repeat twice on each side.
Biceps (front of upper arm) - Tense by bending arm at the elbow, but keeping wrist and hand as loose as possible. Repeat twice on each side.
Triceps (front of upper arm) - Tense by straightening arm, but keeping hand loose. Repeat twice on each side.
Forehead - Tense by wrinkling it as you would if you  were worried or angry. Repeat.
Eyebrows  - Tense by frowning and creasing eyebrows. Repeat.
Eyelids - Tense by squeezing them tightly together (remove contact lenses before beginning exercise). Repeat.
*Roll eyes up (hold and release).
*Roll them down (hold and release).
*Shift them to right (hold and release).
*Shift them to left (hold and release).
*Roll your eyes clockwise slowly as if you were looking at each of the numbers on a huge clock.
*Roll your eyes counterclockwise slowly as if you were looking at each of the numbers on a huge clock.
Nose - Tense by wrinkling nose like a rabbit. Repeat.
Lips - Tense by tightly pressing them together or purse them as though sucking on a lemon. Repeat.
Jaws - Tighten the jaw muscles as if you were going to clench your teeth, but don’t actually allow your teeth to touch. Hold this position for several seconds (no more than five seconds) and then release, closing your lips without touching your teeth. If you experience any pain, stop immediately and consult your dentist about whether or not this is safe for you.  Repeat once or twice. You can still relax this area even if you have to skip this particular exercise by letting your jaw hang loosely while relaxing other areas.
Chin - Tense by tucking chin down into chest. Then tighten all your muscles under the chin and in the front of your neck. Repeat.
Tongue - Tense your tongue by pushing up against the back of your upper front teeth. Repeat. Let your tongue just float in your mouth. Enjoy the sensations there. Repeat.
Throat  - Tense by beginning to swallow.  Don’t complete the swallow.  Just hold after you begin. Repeat.
Voice box - Tense by humming a high-pitched note without making any sounds. *Begin humming silently down the scale. *Notice the change in tension levels as you sing down the scale. *Continue until you get to the low note. Repeat.
Neck - Tense by tilting head back and tightening muscles in the back of the neck. *Tilt head to right as though touching right shoulder. Repeat on your left side.
Shoulders - Tense by shrugging them upward as though touching your ears. Repeat.
Upper back - Tense by pulling shoulder blades back. *Then tighten upper back muscles as though as shoulder blades were going to touch. Repeat.
Lower back - Tense by arching back. Repeat.
Chest - Tense by pulling shoulders together in front. Repeat.
Stomach - Tense by pulling in your stomach muscles. Repeat.
Groin - Tense by pulling groin muscles up into the cavity of your body (same action as when you stop urinating in the middle of a urination). Repeat.
Buttocks - Tense by pulling them tightly together. Repeat.
Upper legs - Tense by straightening legs and locking knees. *Or to tense both legs at the same time, pull upper legs together by touching knees tightly together as though to hold a coin between your knees. Repeat.
Lower legs - Tense both legs by pulling toes back and up as though touching your shins. Repeat.
Feet - Tense by curling toes and arching feet downward (stop if they begin to cramp). Repeat.
Continue to breathe evenly and deeply. With your mind scan all your muscle groups again. Each time you exhale, notice how the muscle group you’re focusing on, grows warmer, and is more relaxed.
Take a deep breath in through nose. Hold it to a count of four. Exhale slowly to a count of four. Do this several times. Breathe deeply and evenly, and enjoy the sensations of warm, full relaxation.
To end this exercise, move your hands and arms about. Move your feet and legs about. Turn your head from side to side. Open your eyes, sit up, and let yourself feel awake and calm.
*  You may have a particular physical condition that warrants medical advice before using this exercise. Proceed with caution, as needed. Do not use meditation or suggestions that include saying "warm" if you have ulcers, as this may release stomach acid or cause pain.
**  You may have some anxiety about your heart condition, or you may experience an increase in your heart rate, twitching, or an irregular heart beat when you recite this self-instruction. If this is the case, you may want to modify the self-instruction with the following: "My heartbeat is slightly calm." As you become comfortable with this instruction, you can go back to the original instruction.
(it is based on lacture given to LIC employee.  I found this important and shared in this blog)