Thursday, May 31, 2018
Civic Education
Civic Education
Citizens of any country are the persons who are entitled some special political, economic, social and cultural rights. Generally every person can have some fundamental right such as right to equality and right to dignity but he or she cannot use right to vote in all countries. Such rights are limited to only its citizen. This means, being a citizen of a country is not only a right but a responsibility. To fulfill such responsibility, each state provide a special education which is known as civic education.
How a state provide Civic education?
In each state there are literate and well educated as well as illiterate citizens. So state can not rely upon school or college curriculum to provide civic education. Also, school or college curriculum are more static so they can not encompass the dynamic nature of state and its policies. So, states use formal as well informal method to provide civic education. Formal methodencompasses all school and college curriculum and educational policies implemented by a nation which comprises the topic such as political processes, ruling system, fundamental rights, and responsibilities of citizens. In informal methods, state use media, non governmental organization, religious teaching as well as society also.
What is civic education?
Civic education is an education, which is aimed to transform a person to a citizen. Being a citizen is not only a privilege. It is great responsibility toward the nation and fellow citizens. Also state demands some sacrifice from its citizens for the betterment of the state and welfare of the fellow citizens. It’s main requisite is more and more aware citizens. So the attempt or process to make citizens aware about their rights and responsibility is known as civic education. Aware citizen are perfect watchdog ruler, and ruler are compelled to be more responsible and accountable toward their citizens. So civic education is a mean of accountable and responsible government. Aware citizens are always loyal towards their nation and democratic activities. So Civic education is a method of strengthening democracy, development, nation building and social justice also.
What are the goals of civic education?
The goal of civic education is to make citizens aware about political process. Also it teaches citizens about their rights and duties. In enhances their participation in democratic activities. Also it’s goal is to develop leadership among citizens. State wants to teach citizens about nationality, national unity, and integrity of the country. Also it enhances good governance, personal freedom, human right and social justice. By developing social unity, tolerance peace, it helps to develop positive thinking, help people to obey rule and finally, it helps state to reach its dynamic goals.
What are the quality of good citizens
A good citizen must have
Knowledge about right and responsbilities
Self aware
Love with fellow citizens
Co existance
Positive thinking
Social attutude
Love toward nation
Proper use of right to enfranchise
Protection of national heritage
Protection of environment
Dimensions of civic education?
Political dimension: It teaches about political system, political culture, fair political activities, political ethics, rule of law and voter’s education
Moral education: It teaches about moral values, honesty, respectfulness and good character
Social dimension: It teaches about equitable society, tolerance, social responsibilities, social unity and cooperation
Individual dimension: Awareness about rights and duties, recognition of other’s right, social responsibilities, social norms and values
Also civic education encompasses areas such as personal right, personal duties, knowledge about nation, constitution and other laws, cultural diversities and positive thinking.
Who delivers or promotes civic education
Political parties
Social organizations
Press and media
Civil society
Non governmental organizations
International organizations
What should be included in civic education
Civic education is dynamic in nature. So there is never a certainty about the content of civic education.
But there are few topics which always must be included in civic education. As constitution is the supreme law of nation, and all laws are based on this supreme law. Also, it is somehow based on the customs of that particular nation, this is the first thing to teach in civic education. Also norms and values of democratic practices such as political parties, election system human rights and fundamental rights should also be encompassed in civic education. Cooperation, coexistence, social justics and contemporary issues also must be encompassed in civic education.
Evolution of civic education in Nepal
Till Rana regime, the situation of civic education in Nepal was too pool.Although Trichandra college and SLC board was established already, the education was in reach of elite only due to which literacy rate of Nepal was almost about 2 percent. In 2007 democracy was established which was itself a result of civic consciousness. In 2016, TU was established. During this time, people practiced right to vote and many laws regarding uplifting people was implemented, which was a reason , quality of civic education was uplifted. Although coup of 2017 hinders the growth of civic consciousness, there was some changes which includes educational policy of 2028 and referendum of 2036. Sanskrit University was established during this period and three elections were held during this era. After 2046, government stated to provided education as free of cost and started informal education also. Also because of people’s revolt and second mass movement, people has become more politically aware. Constitution of Nepal which was promulgated in 2072 has included right to information and right to education as fundamental rights. Also There are new educational policies, which are helping to raise civic awareness in Nepal.
Civic education is dynamic issue. So, it never reaches perfection. The only right attempt is never stopping updating the contents and methods of civic education. In modern world, where technological equipment are widespread civic education must encompass innovative technologies. But, if we see current movemen, we can say, Nepal is in right track of educating people.