Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Interesting fact of science

Why the sea water is salty
It is an interesting fact that why water in sea or ocean is salty? Where the salt come from? Actually the salt comes from mountain. When rain falls in mountain and river flow through mountain area the water carry too much salt from mountain. The salt regularly stored in sea.Then why the river water is not salty? It is because the concentration of salt in river water is too low then that if the sea. Then how the concentration of salt is greater in ocean? It is because the salt is not stored in instant of time but it takes millions of years. The water carry salt to water and become vapor and again returns through mountain but salt can not vaporize ans stored in the sea. In this way salt going added and added.  Similarly a huge amount of other salts present in sea. So sea water is not recommended  for direct use.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

These are progressive song or not?

If we talk about progressive songs then most of the people think that progressive songs are that songs which contains aggressive theme and appeal for revolutionary words. But it is a narrow and dogmatic thinking about progressive songs. If there is a song which is about the social reformation or it talks about the happiness of people then it will must be a progressive song. I found such a video of some songs form Micheal Jackson who is not known as a revolutionary singer or a progressive singer but theme of his songs symbolize it.

Man in the mirror

they don't realy care about us

we are the world

Monday, May 3, 2010

Pride of Arghakhanchi: Supa Deurali mandir

Supadeurali one of magnificient hill station and pilgrimage site is situated at Narapani VDC of Arghakhanchi. It is in road of Gorusinge-Sandhikharka. It lies 81 km north from Butwal.
The site is worth visit for pilgrimage purpose as well as sightseeing a panoramic view.There is a temple of Supa Deurali connected with a myth story of a Lahure"the soldieer in Indian army". It is believed that he was going to India he worship in the temple and vowed to the deity that if he return safely then he will give golden chain to the temple.. He was successful in the mission but While returning back home, he remembered his vow of the deity. Out of greed, he went secretly next way.

The miraculous power of Supadeurali brought him in temple and set the Lahure afixed at the middle of rock to be statue, so it has been a pilgrimage site.

As it lies in Gorusinge-Sandhikharka it is easy to reach so numbers of visitors visit this place daily. Every veichle stop here to worship. The dangerous part of road of Gorusinge-Sandhikharka highway lies here and numbers of the accidents occured near the temple. So worship is considered necessery to prevent accident.

The highest peak of Mahabharata range with height of 2515 m. (8250 feet) asl. About 35 km distance from the plain of terai the climate changes vastly, ie, while it is 40-42 degree temperature in the terai, it is 14-16 degree Celsius at Supadeurali. Narpani near to
Supadeurali, is the old district headquarters of Arghakhanchi is well known for its spectacular view of Himalayan panoramic view to the north including Mt Machhapuchchre, Mt Annapuran, Mt Dhaulagiri etc and broad plains of Nepal and some cities India to the south.

Three High schools in the area are running with the income of the temple. The deity has not only fulfilled the wish of many devotees but also it has been a boon for many children who are receiving education as the blessing of the deity.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Scientist or fraud

Some months ago i was totally surprised to hear a news that a Nepali scientis developed a new theory called universal theory of relativity that will refute einstein's relativity. Nepali media give large priority to the news. Rijan Karkee the claimer of the theory was considered to be hero of Nepal but after some time neither anyone hear the name nor media cover the news. What was happened to his theory? After study of his hypothesis I found he have no significant knowledge about math and physics. But the media cover the news without analyze his theory. After some time a teacher claims that he find flaw in Archimedes principle and media cover the news but after some time everyone forget him.
Such a news appear with great priority when someone build solar car or a solar panel. Everybody praise them but nobody analyze their act. Why this happens?
If we analyze their claim them we can found some similarity in their act. If we analyze the claim of developing new technology them there is one very hidden truth. Such a practice was already done by foreign students and Nepali students exactly copy the method and school and college encourage them so that it will be free advertisement to them. All are not like this. Like some build radio in remote village them it will be his own study of radio technology and it is difficult work for collecting material. But he a student of school or plus two claim that he developed new technology them there will be a question mark. This mean in 90% case they do a copy paste project.
Another type of claim is a very ridiculous. They claim that they developed a new theory which will refute a well established theory. But they are unknown to even correspondance theory. Neiter they have proper knowledge of the theory nor they can show correspondance to existing theory. Them theory obviously failed. One of example that a student is claiming that he find a equation of particle moving with greater velocity them light. He starts from einstein's relativity but there is no any correspondance between relativity and his theory.
Another example I was in science exhibition and +2 students were showing a experiment related with LDR. I ask them about the diode working but they can not explain at. They didn't know I an bachelor student and behave of like an +2 student but when i told them that i an a bachelor student then they call their teacher. But interesting thing was that teacher even don't know the proper explanation and said that they copy from website and he'll explain after proper study. But normal people take such experiment as a great intention. That will be a free advertise for college.
The main reason behind it is a wrong intension to be popular and lack of reporter from science background in media. Media person lacking the science knowledge easily believe the propoganda and publish it as a great news. This exists in market for some time an a great deed and finally disappeared.
The ago of this article is not disparage the researcher but only tell about propagandist who themself think as a great scientis and have very low knowledge of science. Everybody should be aware of them.

Funny blogger feature: Add location to blog post

Do you want to show your location from where you are posting your post? Then blogge have such feature. To do this you have log in using blogger in draft. Just go to draft.blogger.com or from your regular dashboard go to blogger in draft option. This is in buttom of blog dashboard just in picture. then go to your posting. in your bottom of posting box you will see add location option. just click on it.
Then you will see a new box appear. search your location on it. then you can show your location from where you are posting. Isn't is funny?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Discussion about philosophy

Using weapon of copper, iron and stone man become powerful animal in the world but he can not take control over the natural events. So he thinks them as even influenced by supernatural power. Hence spiritual philosophy borned in the form of supernatural power and god. Human civilization lived under spiritualism for very long time. Man thinked every natural event on basis of spiritualistic point of view. So he express whatever he know in logical way and leave other remaining parts as supernatural facts. But after long time this trends started to break. Scientists started to analysis natural events in scientific way. Gallileo said that earth was not center of universe and Aristotle's statemdnt about earth's shape was not only initiative steps of science but was also revolutionary iddas at that time which attacked spiritual thinking initially.
Spiritualism although considering god as a center of universe had make it's region too much large. It is not worth to say that spiritualism almost give it's conclusion. Astronomy, Ayurvead, Economics, Law are strongly developed when modern science was just talking it's initial steps. Without using scientific knowledge and using only rational knowledge spiritualism developed. On the other hand using imperial facts materialism developed . Using scientific knowledge and facts it is in developing condition and still developing and until a theory " grand unified theory" that will explain all natural events will come materialism will in developing phase. So there is an interesting question that two major opposing philosophy at the end will come to same conclusion or totally opposite conclusion. It can be checked he we measure the a current progress of science. If science is proving the myth of spiritualism them finally both will end up in similar conclusion and if scientific facts contradicts spiritualistic facts then finally both will end in opposite conclusion.
Let up discuss some facts. Before relativity the eastern astrology was considered to be wrong because it assums earth as a center of universe. But relativity proves that the law of physics remain unchanged in any frame of reference. It supports eastern astrology because according to relativity any point in universe can be considered as the center of universe and the assumption of earth as center does not affect any scientific calculation. Again spiritualism claim that begining of universe was from energy and according to science it was from big bang. So both can be treated in similar manner.
Another interesting fact about relativity is time dilatiom. When one go to space with very high velocity them the time measured by him will be less them time measured by person staying in rest. This can prove the story of some people livin for thousands of year in mystical story. It is a good thinking of time dilation.
Although these examples supports both are same there is some difference also. The major difference is their basic assumption. Spiritualism strongly supports supernatural power where materialism denies it. Although spiritualism supports relativity and quantum theory it try to connect it with supernatural power. The philosophy generated by only logical explanation can have such mistakes which scientific theory does not gibte. And scientific theory is valid only until new theory emerges and displaces old theory. The newer emerges and contracts the boundry of older. So we can not say the science which we are dealing with is true. It is in developing stage. So finak explanation of science will be give by Grand unified theory . Then we will know both philosophy are same or opposite

A new experience

Blogging is really a interesting idea in virtual world. It is totally different from other web ideas. You can express your ideas very easily in blog then any other networking ideas. In social networking site you can share limited ideas but in blogging there is no any boundry to express your ideas.

I started using blog from last of 2005 but it was not truely blogging because it was just my plan to make own introductory site rather then bloggin. So i post two or three introductory post and leave it. Then after some time i agarn started blogging and that was influenced by the avalanche of blogs which were running against monarch. At that time i post some article against monarch and i again leaved. Then after long time i realized that i should again blogging but i had no any idea. So i use too many option and i use many type of blogs. But finally i realized that blog is a collection of own idea and i again activate my old blog. I move all older post in draft and started from zero. As i have only access internet in mobile so i started posting from mobile. So the journey only depends in mobile. I used computer only for blog design. So my blog is mobile blog. I've already posted 99 posts and this is 100th post so this is really a new experience of mobile blogging.
I would never been here if my friends have not support me. In this journey i meet a lot of friends who give comments and suggestion. I realized that but i think i at least complete centuary post from mobile in this trend so i wait until this post. The time has come. My friends who have given me a valuable suggestion i heartly thanked them and assure you that my blogging style is going to changed using your suggestion. I also want to thank to all visitors.
As a Nepali blogger the difficult time is coming to us. Blogger should take great responsibility in this period. I promise to be a responsible blogger.
Waiting for your suggestion