Saturday, January 30, 2010

Error in universe!

This is the universe we are living is said to be existed for millions of years. And scientist have developed a lot of theory and equations to predict correct history of universe. They are searching a new theory so called "grand unified theory" which will correctly give the history of universe from big bang. But shall it give correct picture of universe?
This is also a big question that arises while talking about this kind of problem. Let us see an example. We develope a machine according to few law. We look for the result that is right from mathmatical view. But there always error in the observed result then theoritical result. This is called error in the machine. This error increases with time. If the universe is compared with the machine then there should be error with that laws Which were valid in the begining of the universe. The error cannot be measured by us because life of man is too short to observe this error like a simple machine. Then we cannot be near to that equation.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Nepali 3-idiots

"If we train then a lion can jump from floor to sofa but the lion is called well trained not well educated" when Rancho (aamir khan) says this dialogue the
people watching 3-idiots clapped and shouted loudly but they don't realize that they are also well trained lion.

"What is the purpose of your education?" if you ask to most of the student in colleges of Nepal then you will get almost same answer that is job and money. They are not taking their study seriously. I'm giving three examples which symbolizes our current education system.
1) i've a friend who never belives in conceptual study. He only talks about how to get higher percentage. I advire him to be conceptually clear about his study then you will get higher marks but he never likes my suggestion. He is student of physics but i see no diffrence either study physics or other course because he is only reading physics so that he will get us visa easily
2) just i've meet one idiot in a cyber who come their to make a bio-data. He tells me that if he submit attractive bio-data then there is more possibility to selected. ( i'm thinking i'll design my bio-data with good artist so that i would get 100% chance to be selected). He doesn't believe in himself so that he believes in bio-data. What kind of education we are getting in our college?
3) one of my friends often tells me that the purpose of the study is intended to money not otherwise. Money is important thing in capitalistic society but it is not major thing but our social concept is based on the statement "money is everything".
These are only three example how we think about education in Nepal. We do not go to school or college to get good education. We go there only to get degree so that we will get a good job and earn a lot of money. Then why you are spending so much money in education? Please start some other business or other things from where you can also earn money.
Money is not everything. It is only a medium. If you are excellent in your subject then money comes in your pocket autometically but if you run after money then neither you get money nor excellence. But most of the student are running for money. Then what is the purpose of going university?
Education is not only for degree it is for self developement. You must implement the things you learn in school and college in your personal life. Please think about your life and your education for just a one minute and then decide. How are you utilizing your life and education

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Own news

I'm going to announce that i'm leaving my some proffessional blog for some time due to lack of time. scientificnepal, philosophs, booksoutlook and other blogs will be conducted by my friends but i'll be avilable
in my personal blogs (maheshsagar and mahesh khanal).
thank you all who support my work.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Stop worship believe in yourself.

When man stop to believe himself he starts to believe in god. When his work is going smoothly he never remember god. Only when he found some problem with his work and he wants the problem is solved by god. There is no any other purpose to remember god.
Likewise tomorrow is Sharaswoti Puja when students worship Sharaswoti "goddess of knowledge" to give more and more knowledge to them. But they ignore that the main source of knowledge is only study not worship. This is the example how we are depending upon a virtual power to make our work easier which can be more easier if we work without worship also. So please stop worship believe yourself

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lack of philosophical education reason for youth crisis

Philosophy is the main aspect that determines the behaviour of human. It works like the software program installed in computer. There are other facters also which determines the human behaviour but main root
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of thinking is directly linked with philosophical education. But the new generation are not aware with such kind of philosophical education. They are only thinking about entertainment and other things. Their aim to life is to research new form of entertainment and happiness but they do not
know that the one and only factor to enrich life with happiness and satisfaction is only philosophical education. A persom who is well introduced with philosophy and following one of them never be frustrated in any situation but the person unknown to philosophical education will be more and more frustrated. That will bring more and more social problem like drug-addiction, sucide etc. The example can be seen worldwide now. Youth who must be busy in research and discovary but they are busy in research of new mode of entartainmend due to lack of fix goal of life. And goal is attained with correct philosophy.
So the government must take new form of education policy in which philosophical education is provided to youth.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

How much bandas

A political party struggling against federalism Rastriya Janamorcha called valley banda today. Their demand against federalism is very good movement and need of Nepal but the protest like bandas become unpopular in Nepali communities.

The is used to face such kind of movement and people are also not interested with such kind of programs. People even not interested with the agenda of bandas. So time has come to change. Please change your style of protest and make more creative. That kind of movement woll touch the heart of people and they will be with you in each and every font.

Photo The road of the Kathmandu after the banda called by Rastriya Janamorcha

Photo  source and 

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

च्यतिएका पत्रसगै तस्बिर का खात् देखे
निस्ठुरिले छाडिदिदा दिउसै पनि रात देखे

सुनिने मात्र गर्छन् भन्थे आबाज् हरु सबै
तर मुख बाट तिम्रो आज कडा बात् देखे

अङ्गालोमा राखिराखि प्रेम् क कुरा गर्ने गर्थ्यो
तर आज अङ्गालोमा अरुको नै हात देखे

पुरा गर्न सकिन तिम्रा मन्का चाह् हरु सबै
त्यसैले त प्रिय आज तिम्रो कडा लात् देखे